A Piece of the World Review & Giveaway

After having read and loved Orphan Train, I knew when this book released that I wanted to read it.  Unfortunately, life and time got in the way and I didn’t have a chance.  So I was thrilled when TLC Book Tours asked if I’d be interested in helping to promote the book for its paperback release.

I had never seen or heard of the painting that is the subject of this novel, Christina’s World, by artist Andrew Wyeth.  I’m kind of glad I went into it blind because it provided a unique reading experience in which I learned something new.  And I loved the author’s note and acknowledgements because she provided her inspiration for the story after having come across the painting.

From the back cover: To Christina Olson, the entire world is her family farm in the small coastal town of Cushing, Maine. The only daughter in a family of sons, Christina is tied to her home by health and circumstance, and seems destined for a small life. Instead, she becomes Andrew Wyeth’s first great inspiration, and the subject of one of the best-known paintings of the twentieth century, Christina’s World.

This book had so much to offer: family ties, relationships, artistry, exploration, finding a sense of place.  But my favorite was reading Christina’s back story, how her childhood and teenage years shaped her.  You couldn’t help but feel sympathetic for the way she grew up and all her tribulations, yet she was the victim of her own choices at times.  If you are a historical fiction fan, this is a must read.

Even if you’ve already read and enjoyed the hardcover, you’re going to want to get a copy of the paperback not only because the cover is luminescent and colorful but because it contains an exclusive interview with bestselling author Kristin Hannah and a connected stand-alone story that didn’t appear in the original.

My thanks to TLC Book Tours and the publisher for a copy in exchange for an honest review.

Purchase Links

HarperCollins | Amazon | Barnes & Noble

About Christina Baker Kline

Christina Baker Kline is the author of six novels, including the #1 New York Times bestseller Orphan Train as well as A Piece of the World. She lives outside New York City and spends as much time as possible on the coast of Maine. Learn more about Christina at www.christinabakerkline.com.

Connect with Christina on Facebook, and follow her on Twitter and Instagram.

Thanks to the publisher, I have one copy to give away to a lucky reader.  U.S. only, please.  Enter on the Rafflecopter.
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Island of Sweet Pies and Soldiers Review & Giveaway

Not since Moloka’i have I been transported to Hawaii through a book.  The setting and descriptions were vivid and breathtaking.  Never having been there myself, I imagined I was on the beach as I was reading.  I loved the authentic language and settings and was definitely surprised by the amount of rain!

Sara Ackerman’s debut has something in it for everyone: a mystery, WWII history, romance, and unforgettable characters.  Violet is a schoolteacher who is reeling at the disappearance of her husband, the school principal.  Her daughter, Ella, hasn’t been the same since he’s been gone.  When Violet’s roommate, Jean, finds out her brother Zach is training for a secret mission along with other Marines, the women learn that friendship will get them through this trying time together.

Even though this tale takes place during the 1940s, many of its themes still ring true today.  Given the current events we’ve been faced with, I still need to hear “love is love,” and I was thrilled to come across it in the book.  Bits of this story, especially Violet’s infatuation, reminded me of Letters from Home by Kristina McMorris.  If you want an endearing story with a sprinkle of sugar, be sure to pick this book up.

I have to say one of my favorite characters was Roscoe.  I’d really love to learn the true story behind his appearance that the author mentions in her note at the end.  I promise you he is one surprise you’ve never come across before in fiction.

My thanks to the author in exchange for an honest review.

About the author: Born and raised in Hawaii, Sara studied journalism and earned graduate degrees in psychology and Chinese medicine. When she’s not writing or practicing acupuncture, you’ll find her in the mountains or in the ocean.


Thanks to the author, I have one SIGNED copy to give away to a lucky reader.  U.S. only, please.  Enter on the Rafflecopter.
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Girl Unknown Review & Giveaway

We’ve all read a book or seen a movie about someone appearing in someone’s life intent on destroying it.  What I loved about the premise of this book is that this person is a long-lost child, one our protagonist, David, never knew about before she shows up.

David is a college professor trying to move up the ranks all while dealing with his aging mother, wife Caroline’s return to work, and two kids.  Things are finally falling back in place with him until Zoe shows up.  Being the father that he is, he welcomes Zoe into their lives and home, hoping she fits right in.  But what are her motivations?  Who is hiding what?

The beginning of this book had a great pace, and the fact that the story alternated characters telling it between David and Caroline made it move quickly.  The ending sizzled.  I just felt the middle got a little bogged down.  And even when it finished, I was left with several unanswered questions.

I was surprised to discover that even when I thought I knew how things ended, the authors threw me another twist.  This is a dark tale, perfect for those who want to know more about the characters of a thriller.  With each chapter, we unravel more and more about what makes them tick and how easy it is to make them crumble.

My thanks to the publisher for a copy in exchange for an honest review.

About the author: Karen Perry is the pen name of Dublin-based authors Paul Perry and Karen Gillece. Together they wrote Girl Unkown.

Paul Perry is the author of a number of critically acclaimed books. A recipient of the Hennessy Award for New Irish Writing, he teaches creative writing at University College, Dublin.

Karen Gillece is the author of several critically acclaimed novels. In 2009 she won the European Union Prize for Literature (Ireland).

Thanks to the publisher, I have one copy to give away to a lucky reader.  U.S. only, please.  Enter on the Rafflecopter.
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Best Friends Forever Review & Giveaway

How well do you really know your best friend?  One to whom you’ve spilled all your secrets?  Most women would answer with 100%.  But could something evil be lurking beneath that facade?  That’s what we are trying to find out with Margot Hunt’s first thriller.

Alice is a suburban mom of two trying to make ends meet for her family.  Kat is a wealthy socialite from a well-to-do family and a gallery owner.  When these two ladies meet after bonding over a delayed flight, an instant friendship is formed.  But when Kat’s husband winds up dead, it’s up to them to figure out what happened.

The book flips back and forth between the beginning of their friendship told chronologically and present day.  I could not turn the pages fast enough, all while trying to decipher what really happened and who could be trusted.  It’s an easy-to-read book with a fast plot that will keep you guessing.  Extra surprises at the end made this a winner for me.

Both Kat and Alice’s characters are so well drawn out that I often felt like a fly on the wall reading their conversations and listening to their banter.

If you are looking to enter the world of psychological thrillers without reading anything too gritty or just prefer women’s fiction with suspense added to the mix, this book would be the perfect choice.  It would be perfect for a beach day or long flight.  I hope the author continues to write more because she’s just secured a lifelong fan.

Be sure to follow the tour for more reviews and giveaway chances!

About the author: Margot Hunt is the pseudonym of a bestselling writer of twelve previous novels. Her work has been praised by Publisher’s Weekly, Booklist and Kirkus Reviews. BEST FRIENDS FOREVER is her first psychological thriller. Connect with Margot:
Website | Facebook | Twitter.


Thanks to TLC Book Tours, I have one copy to give away to a lucky reader.  U.S. only, please.  Enter on the Rafflecopter.
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Only Child Review & Giveaway

If you combine the young narrator in Room with the thought-provoking message in Wonder, you have this captivating debut.

Debut author Navin allows the reader to be a fly on the wall with the Taylor family while they grieve their family’s loss from a school shooting.  Heartbreaking, yes, but allowing 6-year-old Zach to narrate the story brought innocence and a unique perspective to what could have been a very depressing tale.  I often forget how a child’s brain, no matter the age, processes what adults process extremely differently.  Navin perfectly captures this age in Zach as he tries to understand what is going on with his family.  I was impressed she didn’t play down his vocabulary because he was young.  I found him to be very believable.

Aside from losing his brother, he needs to understand the feelings among the other adults, ones he has trusted his whole life.  You will find yourself rooting for one parent over another and possibly even change viewpoints over the course of the book.

This was a solid first book from Navin.  Given its subject matter, I still felt hope and optimism by the end of the story.  I look forward to whatever drama she dreams up next.

About the author: RHIANNON NAVIN grew up in Bremen, Germany, in a family of book-crazy women. Her career in advertising brought her to New York City, where she worked for several large agencies before becoming a full-time mother and writer. She now lives outside of New York City with her husband, three children, and two cats. This is her first novel.

My thanks to the publisher for a copy in exchange for an honest review.  They also sent another ARC for a lucky reader!  U.S. only, please.  Enter on the Rafflecopter.
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