Shipped by Angie Hockman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
A perfect romcom that helped in the wanderlust department and was a nice break from some heavier reading.
My biggest heartbreak from 2020 was having to cancel our spring break vacation to the beach. I also had two beach work trips canceled. Living in Chicago, especially with the cold weather, I consider the ocean my happy place. So these cancellations were extremely disappointing. Thank you to Angie Hockman for the virtual vacation to the Galápagos Islands. They joked about this place on Schitt’s Creek as well and I just loved to travel with the characters and see all the sites. It definitely cured some winter blues.
For those who like Christina Lauren, there’s a definite The Unhoneymooners feel to this read. Loved the hate-to-love trope.
Sometimes when reading romcom stories I get frustrated by the side characters but felt all of the characters here complemented the plot perfectly.
Can’t wait to read more by this author! Thanks to the publisher for the early copy.
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